
Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences are used to express strong feelings (anger, surprise, pain, pleasure…).

Future Continuous

The future continuous tense is used to talk about actions that will be in progress in the future.

Generic Pronoun You

The generic subject pronoun you does not refer to any person in particular, but to all people in general.

Gerunds as Complements

The gerund is a verb that functions as a noun referring to an action, a process or a state.We...

Gerunds as Object

The gerund is a verb that functions as a noun referring to an action, a process or a state.We...

Gerunds as Subjects

The gerund is a verb that functions as a noun referring to an action, a process or a state.We...

Gerunds vs Present Participles

The gerund is a verb that functions as a noun referring to an action, a process or a state.The...

Have: Auxiliary verb

Have as an auxiliary verb is used to form the present and past perfect tense in all of their...

Inanimate Possessive Case in Time Phrases

The possessive case is used to talk about things that belong to a person, an animal or a thing.We...

Indefinite Pronouns

Pronouns are words used to avoid the repetition of a noun.An indefinite pronoun does not refer to any specific...

Independent and Dependent Clauses

An independent clause is a group of words with a complete meaning, while a dependent clause is a group...

Indirect Closed Questions

We usually put indirect closed questions in the yes/no form.

Indirect Questions

Indirect questions are used in formal situations where we may need to ask something from someone we don’t know...

Irregular Plural Nouns: Borrowings

Borrowings or loanwords are some words whose origins come from other languages (source languages). So, some nouns don’t follow...

May and Might: Modals of Possibility

The verbs may/might belong to the group of modal auxiliary verbs.They are used to talk about the possibility of...

Modals May and Might in the Past

The verbs may/might belong to the group of modal auxiliary verbs.When a situation had the possibility to happen in...

Modifiers of Comparisons

We can modify adjectives and adverbs in comparative forms in order to intensify the degree of certain words and...

Must and Cannot: Modals of Deduction

Must and cannot are modal verbs that can be used even to express deductions.

Must vs Have to???

Must and have to are used to express certainty, necessity or strong obligation which comes from internal or external...

No vs Not

No and not convey a negative meaning for clauses, words and expressions.

Non-Gradable Adjectives

Non-gradable adjectives cannot vary in intensity or grade.

Omission of Articles

Omission of articles are allowed in some cases.

Omission of Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns can be omitted when they are not the subject of the clause.

Order of Adjectives

Adjectives are determiners that modify or describe a person or a thing.When we have more than one adjective, we...

Passive Structure

The passive form expresses the idea of something or someone receiving an action or experiencing a particular event or...

Past Perfect

The past perfect is a tense used to talk about actions or events that took place earlier than other...

Phrasal Verbs

A phrasal verb is a two-part verb formed by a verb and a particle. This particle usually gives verbs...

Possessive Case with Double Genitive

The possessive form is used to talk about things that belong to a person, object or animal.The double genitive...

Predictions with Will and To Be going to

We use the future simple (with the auxiliary will) to express opinions, spontaneous decisions and hopes.We use to...