Unit: Unit 2.1 | English exercises

B2 - Unit 2.1

Adverbs of Attitude

Adverbs of attitude express the speaker’s attitude towards an action. They are generally used to refer to whole sentences...

B2 - Unit 2.1

Articles with Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns are nouns that refer to intangible things. They fall into two classes: countables and uncountables.

B1 - Unit 2.1
A2 - Unit 2.1
A1 - Unit 2.1

Feminine Noun formation

We can form a feminine version from a masculine noun when the person we're talking about is a woman.

B1 - Unit 2.1

Future Continuous

The future continuous tense is used to talk about actions that will be in progress in the future.

A2 - Unit 2.1

Future Simple Affirmative

The future is the tense used to express future events. We use the future simple structure to introduce predictions,...

A2 - Unit 2.1

Future Simple Interrogative

The future is the tense used to express future events. We use the future simple structure to introduce predictions,...

A2 - Unit 2.1

Future Simple Negative

The future is the tense used to express future events. We use the future simple structure to introduce predictions,...

B1 - Unit 2.1

Generic Pronoun You

The generic subject pronoun you does not refer to any person in particular, but to all people in general.

B1 - Unit 2.1

Indefinite Pronouns

Pronouns are words used to avoid the repetition of a noun.An indefinite pronoun does not refer to any specific...

- Unit 2.1
A1 - Unit 2.1
A1 - Unit 2.1
A1 - Unit 2.1

Noun Gender

Nouns refer to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality.Nouns have three genders: masculine, feminine and neutral.

A1 - Unit 2.1

Noun with Both Genders

We can find nouns which are the same for masculine and feminine genders.

B2 - Unit 2.1

Past Perfect Continuous

Past perfect continuous is a tense used to talk about actions or situations that were in progress before some...

A1 - Unit 2.1
A1 - Unit 2.1
B1 - Unit 2.1
A1 - Unit 2.1
A2 - Unit 2.1
A1 - Unit 2.1
A2 - Unit 2.1