
Quantitative Determiners

Quantitative determiners or quantifiers are used to indicate the quantity of something.

Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses.The main relative pronouns of people and things are: which, who and...


Main Religions.

Security and the fight against crime

Law Enforcement Agencies.

Spirituality and religion

Main Religions and Religious Beliefs; Places of Worship and Pilgrimage.

Subject Pronouns

Subject pronouns replace a subject which is a person or a thing in a sentence.

Superlative of Adjectives and Adverbs

The superlative adjectives/adverbs are used to make a comparison between things, people or actions, expressing the superiority of one...

Territorial and administrative organisation: Territorial and administrative divisions

Typical Dishes of Regional Areas; Popular Festivals in Regional Areas.

Territorial and administrative structure: Capitals, cities and towns

Capitals; Cities with an International Impact.

The family unit: Concept and structure

Concept and Types of Family Unit; Types of Links which Unite Couples; Concept of in-laws; Obligations.

There is and There are

There is/are are expressions used in sentences that want to confirm, deny or check that something exists.

To be Affirmative

To be is a linking verb and an auxiliary verb that is essential in grammar.When expressed in its affirmative...

To be Interrogative

To be is a linking verb and an auxiliary verb that is essential in grammar.When expressed in its interrogative...

To be Negative

To be is a linking verb and an auxiliary verb that is essential in grammar.When expressed in its negative...

To have: Common Expressions

We use the verb to have to form common expressions in informal communication.

Tradition and social change

Times and Days of the Year in which Popular and Traditional Manifestations Take Place; Signs, Symbols and Objects Related...

Traditional celebrations

Significant Popular Celebrations.