Unit: Theme 10 | Page 2 | English exercises

A2 - Theme 10

Travel, accommodation and transport: Hotels and accommodation

Types of accommodation according to its category and type of services; Hotel Facilities; Services Offered by Hotels.

A2 - Theme 10

Travel, accommodation and transport: Public transport

Main modes of public transport; Cities in the United Kingdom which have a metro system; Structure of metro networks;...

A2 - Theme 10

Travel, accommodation and transport: Travel

Behaviour Related to the Planning and Development of Travels; National and international tourist destinations which people from the United...

A2 - Unit 10.1
A2 - Unit 10.1
B1 - Unit 10.1
B1 - Unit 10.2
B1 - Unit 10.2
A1 - Unit 10.1
A1 - Unit 10.2
A1 - Unit 10.2

Would Like

Would like is used to express requests or offers more politely.

A2 - Unit 10.2