Component: Modal Verbs | English exercises

A2 - Unit 8.1

Can and Could: Modals of Ability

Could is the past form of the modal verb can. These are types of modal auxiliary verbs used to...

A1 - Unit 5.1

Can: Modals of Ability

The verb can is a modal verb used to express the idea of ability or opportunity, to express the...

B2 - Unit 6.2

Dare as a semi-modal verb

The verb dare is both a main verb and a semi-modal verb. It means to challenge someone to do...

A2 - Unit 7.2

Have to: Modals of Obligation

Have to is a type of auxiliary modal verb used to express certainty, necessity or strong obligation which comes...

B1 - Unit 7.1

May and Might: Modals of Possibility

The verbs may/might belong to the group of modal auxiliary verbs.They are used to talk about the possibility of...

A2 - Unit 8.2

May: Modals of Possibility

May is a type of auxiliary modal verb used to express the possibility for something to happen and also...

B2 - Unit 4.2

Modal Verbs in Passive Voice

We can use passive voice with modal verbs too.

B2 - Unit 6.2

Modals Could and Need in the Past

We also Could and Need to talk about possibilities and to describe that something was different in the past.

B1 - Unit 7.1

Modals May and Might in the Past

The verbs may/might belong to the group of modal auxiliary verbs.When a situation had the possibility to happen in...

B2 - Unit 6.2

Modals of Probability

Modals of deduction and speculation are also called modals of probability. We find them when we want to make...

B1 - Unit 7.1

Must and Cannot: Modals of Deduction

Must and cannot are modal verbs that can be used even to express deductions.

B1 - Unit 7.1

Must vs Have to???

Must and have to are used to express certainty, necessity or strong obligation which comes from internal or external...

A2 - Unit 7.1

Must: Modals of Obligation

Must is a type of auxiliary modal verb used to express certainty, necessity or strong obligation which doesn't come...

A2 - Unit 7.2

Ought to: Modal Auxiliary Verb

Ought to is a type of auxiliary modal verb used to express obligation and duty through advice or recommendations.

B2 - Unit 5.1

Polite Requests and Offers with Would

For polite requests we can use would, would like or would you mind doing…?

A2 - Unit 7.2

Should vs Ought to

Both should and ought to belong to the group of auxiliary modal verbs that have no meaning on their...

A2 - Unit 7.2

Should: Modal Auxiliary Verb

Should is a type of auxiliary modal verb used to express obligation and duty through advice or recommendations.

A1 - Unit 5.1

Would: Modals of Ability

The verb would is a modal verb used to express willingness in the past, polite request, preferences/desires, offers and...