Unit: Theme 05 | English exercises

A1 - Unit 5.1
A1 - Theme 05Theme 06Theme 07Theme 08
A1 - Theme 05
A2 - Theme 05
A2 - Unit 5.1

Active and Passive Adjectives

Adjectives can be used with active or passive voice.

B1 - Unit 5.1

Adjective and Noun Collocations

Adjectives and nouns can have a particular collocation to convey a specific meaning.

B1 - Unit 5.2

Adjectives + To Infinitives

Some adjectives can be followed by the to-infinitive form of verbs to express feelings or reactions.

A1 - Unit 5.1
B1 - Unit 5.1
B1 - Theme 05
B2 - Theme 05
A1 - Unit 5.1

Can: Modals of Ability

The verb can is a modal verb used to express the idea of ability or opportunity, to express the...

A1 - Unit 5.1
A2 - Theme 05

Collective identity: Feelings and belonging to the social sphere: Citizen participation and pluralism

Forms of social participation; Mechanisms of political participation.

A2 - Theme 05

Collective Identity: Feelings and belonging to the social sphere: Shaping of a collective identity

Elements which help to form a collective identity; Official and co-official languages.

A1 - Unit 5.2
A1 - Unit 5.2
A2 - Theme 05

Health and hygiene: Public health

Concept of personal hygiene; Behaviour relating to looking after one’s health.

A2 - Unit 5.1
A1 - Theme 05

In the personal and public sphere: Sentimental relationships, family relationships and friendships

Concepts of friends and acquaintances; Social conventions in the behaviour between friends and families, according to the age, sex...

A2 - Unit 5.2
A1 - Unit 5.1
- Unit 5.1
- Unit 5.1
A2 - Unit 5.2
B1 - Unit 5.2
B1 - Unit 5.2

Non-Gradable Adjectives

Non-gradable adjectives cannot vary in intensity or grade.

B1 - Unit 5.2
B1 - Unit 5.2

Order of Adjectives

Adjectives are determiners that modify or describe a person or a thing.When we have more than one adjective, we...

B2 - Unit 5.2

Passive Voice Verbs with To-Infinitive + Object

After passive verbs, we could find the to-infinitive + object structure.

B2 - Unit 5.1

Past Habits with Would + Zero Infinitive

The main function of would + zero infinitive is to talk about our repeated actions in the past...

B2 - Unit 5.2

Past Subjunctives

Past subjunctives express imaginary conditions.

B1 - Unit 5.1
A2 - Unit 5.2
B1 - Unit 5.2

Phrasal Verbs

A phrasal verb is a two-part verb formed by a verb and a particle. This particle usually gives verbs...

B2 - Unit 5.1

Polite Requests and Offers with Would

For polite requests we can use would, would like or would you mind doing…?

A1 - Unit 5.1

Possessive Case

The possessive case is used to talk about things that belong to a person or animal. We can even...

B1 - Unit 5.1

Prepositions after verbs, adjectives and before nouns

Prepositions are small words that connect elements in a sentence. They can be placed after verbs and adjectives, but...

A1 - Unit 5.2

Present Continuous Affirmative

The present continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that are happening now (before, during and...

A1 - Unit 5.2

Present Continuous Interrogative

The present continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that are happening now (before, during and...

A1 - Unit 5.2

Present Continuous Negative

The present continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that are happening now (before, during and...

A2 - Unit 5.1
B1 - Unit 5.2
A2 - Theme 05

Social services and support programmes: Assistance for immigrants

The main origin of immigrants; The main regions welcoming immigrants.

A2 - Theme 05

Social services and support programmes: Assistance for older people

Minimum Retirement Age; Benefits which Older People Have.

A2 - Theme 05

Social services and support programmes: Assistance for people without economic resources

Places relating to the assistance for people without economic resources; Services offered by institutions and organisations.

B2 - Unit 5.2


Subjunctive is a verb tense that refers to actions that are possibilities rather than facts.

A2 - Unit 5.1
A1 - Theme 05

The family unit: Concept and structure

Concept and Types of Family Unit; Types of Links which Unite Couples; Concept of in-laws; Obligations.

A2 - Unit 5.2

The Infinitive of Purpose

We can use the to-infinitive structure to express someone's purpose.