Unit: Unit 4.1 | English exercises

B1 - Unit 4.1

Auxiliary Verbs

An auxiliary verb is a helping verb that has no meaning on its own but gives functional and grammatical...

A1 - Unit 4.1

Definite Articles

Articles are words that define nouns.We use the definite article to refer to specific things.

A2 - Unit 4.1

First Conditional

A conditional sentence is usually composed of two parts: the if-clause (or conditional clause) that expresses the condition, and...

B2 - Unit 4.1

Future Perfect Continuous

We use future perfect continuous tense to talk about a continuous action that will be completed at some point...

A1 - Unit 4.1

Indefinite Articles

Articles are words that define nouns.We use indefinite articles to express non-specific things or general categories.

A2 - Unit 4.1
A2 - Unit 4.1
A1 - Unit 4.1
A2 - Unit 4.1
A1 - Unit 4.1
A1 - Unit 4.1
A2 - Unit 4.1
B1 - Unit 4.1
A1 - Unit 4.1
B1 - Unit 4.1

Some and Any

Some and any are determiners that provide information about the amount or quantity of the thing we are talking...

A1 - Unit 4.1
A2 - Unit 4.1
B1 - Unit 4.1
B2 - Unit 4.1

To Be About to

To be about to is a structure that refers to actions that are going to happen very soon.

B1 - Unit 4.1

To Be: Auxiliary verb

To be as an auxiliary verb is used to form the present, the past, the future continuous and the...

A2 - Unit 4.1
A2 - Unit 4.1

Zero Conditional

A conditional sentence is usually composed of two parts: the if-clause (or conditional clause) that expresses the condition, and...