Unit: Unit 3.2 | English exercises

A1 - Unit 3.2
B2 - Unit 3.2

Common Noun and Preposition Combinations

Noun and preposition combinations are common collocations of nouns and prepositions.

B1 - Unit 3.2
B1 - Unit 3.2
B1 - Unit 3.2

Inanimate Possessive Case in Time Phrases

The possessive case is used to talk about things that belong to a person, an animal or a thing.We...

A2 - Unit 3.2
B2 - Unit 3.2

Narrative Tenses

We find narrative tenses in stories and past events.

A2 - Unit 3.2

Past Continuous Affirmative

The past continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that occurred in the past and were...

A2 - Unit 3.2

Past Continuous Interrogative

The past continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that take place in the past and...

A2 - Unit 3.2

Past Continuous Negative

The past continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that occurred in the past and were...

B2 - Unit 3.2

Phrasal Verbs

A phrasal verb is a two-part verb formed by a verb and a particle. This particle usually gives verbs...

B1 - Unit 3.2

Possessive Case with Double Genitive

The possessive form is used to talk about things that belong to a person, object or animal.The double genitive...

B1 - Unit 3.2
A1 - Unit 3.2

Quantitative Determiners

Quantitative determiners or quantifiers are used to indicate the quantity of something.

A2 - Unit 3.2
A2 - Unit 3.2
A1 - Unit 3.2

There is and There are

There is/are are expressions used in sentences that want to confirm, deny or check that something exists.

A1 - Unit 3.2
A1 - Unit 3.2