We use the verbs like, love and hate to express positive (love or like) or negative (hate) feelings about...
Official and Co-official Languages; Public Organisations and Institutions for the Care and Promotion of the Language; Public Organisations and...
Air transport; Railway Networks; River Transport; Representative Ports; Most Important River Navigation Routes.
Urban Transport Networks; Public transport;
Nouns refer to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality.Nouns have three genders: masculine, feminine and neutral.
We can find nouns which are the same for masculine and feminine genders.
Object pronouns are pronouns which are used as an object that follows a verb or a preposition or as...
Ordinal numbers express numerical sequences, positioning elements in a list.1st - First; 2nd - Second; 3rd - Third ...
The past simple is the tense used to express situations, events and actions that happened in the past.When expressed...
The past simple is the tense used to express situations, events and actions that happened in the past.When expressed...
The past simple is the tense used to express situations, events and actions that happened in the past.When expressed...
The verb to be is essential in grammar. It is an auxiliary verb and it is one of the...
Official Documents; Non-official Documents; Data which is often included in Personal Identity Document.
Most Common Names and Surnames; Social Conventions and Behaviour.
The plural form of a noun is used to indicate that there is more than one person, animal, place...
Possessive adjectives are used to show that something belongs to someone.They are: my, your, his, her, its, our, your...
The possessive case is used to talk about things that belong to a person or animal. We can even...
Possessive pronouns are determiners used to show that one thing belongs to someone.They are: mine, yours, his, hers, its,...
Prepositional phrases are the result of the combination of a preposition and other elements of the sentence (nouns, pronouns,...
Types of Foreign Cultural Products which can be accessed; Types of Foreign Restaurants which are commonly found.
The present continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that are happening now (before, during and...
The present continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that are happening now (before, during and...
The present continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that are happening now (before, during and...
The present simple is the tense used to express permanent situations or events that regularly repeat or always occur.When...
The present simple is the tense used to express permanent situations or events that regularly repeat or always occur.When...
The present simple is the tense used to express permanent situations or events that regularly repeat or always occur.When...