
289 stories by Books4Languages

Present Continuous Affirmative

The present continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that are happening now (before, during and...

Present Continuous for Future

Present continuous can be used to express the future or to refer to fixed plans.

Present Continuous Interrogative

The present continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that are happening now (before, during and...

Present Continuous Negative

The present continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that are happening now (before, during and...

Present Perfect Affirmative

The present perfect is a tense used to express completed actions which have occurred in the past, are connected...

Present Perfect Continuous

Present perfect continuous is a tense used to talk about actions and situations which started in the past and...

Present Perfect Interrogative

The present perfect is a tense used to express completed actions which have occurred in the past, are connected...

Present Perfect Negative

The present perfect is a tense used to express completed actions which have occurred in the past, are connected...

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

The present perfect is used to express completed actions which have occurred in the past, but are connected to...

Present Simple Affirmative

The present simple is the tense used to express permanent situations or events that regularly repeat or always occur.When...

Present Simple Interrogative

The present simple is the tense used to express permanent situations or events that regularly repeat or always occur.When...

Present Simple Negative

The present simple is the tense used to express permanent situations or events that regularly repeat or always occur.When...

Probability with Likely and Unlikely

Likely is an adjective and an adverb used with a similar meaning to probable in the affirmative form.Unlikely is...

Quantitative Determiners

Quantitative determiners or quantifiers are used to indicate the quantity of something.

Quantitative Determiners

Quantitative determiners or quantifiers are used to indicate the quantity of something.

Question Tags formation

A question tag is a short question at the end of a sentence which is used to check information,...

Questions with Like

Like as a verb is used to express things we enjoy and take pleasure in.Like can also be used...

Questions with Shall…?

Shall is a modal verb used in question form to ask for instructions or for formulating requests in a...

Quite vs Rather

We use the determiners quite and rather to modify the degree of adjectives and adverbs.

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are used to emphasise the subject of the sentence.

Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses.The main relative pronouns of people and things are: which, who and...

Relative Pronouns of People and Things

Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses. They refer to people or things by replacing the subject expressed...

Relative Pronouns of Place and Time

Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses. They refer to place and time by replacing the subject expressed...

Second Conditional

We use the second conditional to talk about situations that are impossible or unlikely to happen.

Should vs Ought to

Both should and ought to belong to the group of auxiliary modal verbs that have no meaning on their...

Should: Modal Auxiliary Verb

Should is a type of auxiliary modal verb used to express obligation and duty through advice or recommendations.

So and Such

So and such are used to emphasise feelings or opinions.

So that vs So … that

So that and so…that are two different, though similar, constructions which express different things.So that highlights the consequences of...

Some and Any

Some and any are determiners that provide information about the amount or quantity of the thing we are talking...

Some as a Determiner

We find the determiner some with both plural and singular nouns.

Split Infinitives

Split infinitive is a phrase where an adverb is put between to and infinitive.

Subject and Verb Agreement

The subject and verb agreement is a situation in which the subject and a verb accord in number.

Subject in Imperative sentences

The Subject in the imperative clauses is always the same (you).

Subject Pronouns

Subject pronouns replace a subject which is a person or a thing in a sentence.


Subjunctive is a verb tense that refers to actions that are possibilities rather than facts.


Such is used to emphasise feelings or opinions.

Superlative of Adjectives and Adverbs

The superlative adjectives/adverbs are used to make a comparison between things, people or actions, expressing the superiority of one...